It saddens me to realize how messed up this world really is.
Yesterday in Boston, the world witnessed yet another
senseless attack on innocent people.
No matter what reaction our Government deems appropriate, no
matter what form of justice is brought to these disgusting excuses for human
beings, it will not be enough.
It will never be enough for the families directly affected
by this bombing.
How can something like this happen? How can we allow such
attacks to be carried out successfully?
The sad part is here in America, we feel safe. We find
comfort in knowing we have freedoms, and rights.
What rights did 8-year-old Martin Richards have? His life
taken away from him before he could even begin to understand how to live it.
What freedoms will exonerate the pain and sadness embedded
in his family’s hearts?
As I spoke to a client’s grandmother today about this, I saw
the tears well up in her eyes and her face was flushed with red, as she told me
how sick this act made her.
Something she told me, really stuck. She said that people
her age, from her generation are terrified of living in today’s world.
She said that she doesn’t know how we do it. How we could
live in this world as carefree and fearless as we do.
It got me thinking about my generation, and the things we’ve
When we talk about our grandparents and great grandparents,
we always talk about what they have seen in their 80 or 90 years of life. We
marvel at the idea of watching the automobile, the t.v. and some other
inventions come to fruition. We talk about Pearl Harbor, World War II, Vietnam,
Korea, the Cold War etc. etc.
Wow we exclaim to ourselves, they’ve witnessed so much in
their lifetime.
Well looking back at my 28 years of life, I realize that
I’ve witnessed some crazy things too.
I’ve watched terrorist attack after terrorist attack; both
domestic and international.
School shootings, Bombings, Sept. 11, theater shootings, and
now marathon bombings. These are but a tiny sample of what my generation has
Watching that grandma wipe her tears, and utter disgust for
these animalistic pieces of shit who put us through this yet again.
I realized that, slowly, we are becoming desensitized to
these tragic events. Slowly but surely they are affecting us less and less.
Maybe we don't realize just the change in our perception, but it’s changing.
It saddens me to think of what my children, and their
children and so on will be desensitized to.
This world is getting progressively worse. We hold the power
to stop it. But it’s going to take more than a Democrat, or a Republican. More
than an American. It’s going to take a world effort. Everyone of the billions
and billions of people to stand up and say this is enough!
Keep your personal beliefs about religion where it belongs.
There is no need to push your beliefs on others, and put down other peoples
If you hate Democrats, or Republicans… Great! You have every
right to your opinion, but there is no need to publicly put the other down.
This world is great enough and big enough for us all.
Do you hate the western lifestyle? Then I guess you’ll be
spending your time in the East.
Do you hate homosexual marriage? Then please for the love of
God, don't marry anyone of the same gender as you, but allow those who differ
in opinions to do so.
Do you hate your life? That’s your prerogative, ruin your
own life, and leave the lives of others the hell alone!
Life could be so simple, if we allowed it to be.
Wars, and power, and greed… Is as Senseless as these
They don't belong here, they shouldn't be allowed access
into our lives.
I look at this world, and I shutter to think how worse it
will become in the future.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” –Mahatma Gandhi
Unfortunately, this quote can be swayed either way. Those
who attack innocent lives feel like they are being the change they want to see
in the world, and those who dedicate their lives to good feel the same.
Goes to show how gray the world really is. So for those of
you living in the Black or the White.
Join us in the Gray area, and I promise you that your life
will immediately become happier, fuller, and have greater meaning.
If we all do this, then perhaps we could turn this downward
spiral our world is going through, and make it good again.
Let’s not always reminisce about the good old days, when
life was better. Let’s instead look forward to the future, and warm our hearts
knowing our children, and their children will truly have it better.