Tuesday, August 23, 2011

30-Day Challenge-- Day-27 Talk about your siblings

Today's prompt is for me to talk about my siblings. Well I only have one, my little Sister Alycia.

I can go a few directions with this post. I can be cheesy and nice, I can be cruel and funny. Or I can be a little of both.


My sister and I are 7 years apart. You would think that being so far apart would make us not get along very well, but the truth is, Alycia and I are very close. We've always been close, and I hope we always will be.

She is a beautiful, Strong, intelligent, caring, ambitious, outgoing, woman.

She is a person of action. When she sets her mind to something, she will not stop until it is achieved. She's outspoken, and stubborn (not always fun) But she has a huge heart, and is always there to lend a helping hand to those she cares about.

There was a time that I thought I had lost her. I thought that our relationship had been destroyed. It killed me to think that she wouldn't come into my room and tell me about her day and her dilemmas anymore. She was slipping away from the woman she was destined to become. Then the "Cancer" that was pushing her away from her family, abruptly ended.

It hurt me to see her so sad. But she bounced back so quickly, her strength overpowered her sadness. I admire her for doing that. For never giving up hope that there were brighter days to come.

Today, she lives in Visalia (3 and half hours away) Not a day goes by that I don't miss talking to her. I find myself sometimes calling out her name, and then feeling stupid because she isn't here.

I am proud and blessed to have a little sister, like Alycia.

Ok so I went the cheesy gay route. Maybe there will be a part two to this post where I embarrass her a little bit. :)

Bottom line~ I love you Alycia, and I am proud to call you my sister, and one of my best friends!

Check in tomorrow for Day 28 of the challenge with its prompt, "The month you were happiest this year."

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